Brunei Initiates the First Nationwide Shark Fishing and Shark Fin Trade Ban!



Today – on World Oceans Day –  at the 12th Annual Celebrate the Sea Festival in Brunei Darussalam organized by Michael Aw of Ocean Geographic, Sultan Haji Hassanai Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah officially banned the catch and landing of all shark species from the waters of Brunei Darussalam.  The Sultan also banned the sale of shark fins and products in the domestic market, and banned the importation and trade of shark products. This is the first nationwide shark fishing and shark fin trade ban!

Brunei Darussalam encourages other countries in the region to follow its lead by banning the sale and trade of all shark products.

The Celebrate the Sea Festival, the biggest underwater imagery festival outside Europe,  is a non-profit event funded and co-produced by OceanNEnvironment Australia and the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam.