Maryland Sharkfin Trade Bill Signed into Law & Delaware's Pending



The state of Maryland has joined Hawaii, Illinois, Oregon, Washington and California in banning the shark fin trade!

Today, Maryland’s Governor O’Malley signed the bill banning possession and sale of shark fins, making Maryland the first state on the East Coast to prohibit the sharkfin trade. Senator Brian Frosh, who introduced S.B. 465, the Maryland Senate version of the bill wanted a complete ban on shark fins. He compromised to accommodate watermen who make a living catching spiny dogfish. The Maryland House of Delegates passed H.B. 393 introduced by Delegate Eric Luedtke D-Montgomery, and the bill was signed into law today by the Governor.

On April 28, the Delaware State Assembly passed the sharkfin trade bill. Yesterday, May 1, 2013, less than a week later, the Senate passed the bill which prohibits the sale and possession of shark fins, but exempts spiny dogfish. The bill has now passed both houses in the Delaware State Legislature. If signed into law by  Governor Jack Markell, it will take effect January 1, 2014.