CMS - Days 2, 3, 4

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Day 2: Achmat Hassiem, South Africa, who lost his foot to a shark (GSAF 2006.08.1) shared his experience as a member of  Shark Attack Survivors for Shark Conservation group, urging delegates to establish protection for sharks and rays. Day 3: After listening to Achmat's  support of shark conservation and the unprecedented number of shark and ray proposals being introduced, some arere referring COP11 as the “Shark COP”. There are an unprecedented number of shark and ray proposals being introduced later this week!

Day 4: While this might be the “Shark COP,” it doesn’t mean CMS decisions can be enforced, unlike CITES decisions. To improve CMS’s effectiveness, a draft resolution was introduced to establish an intersessional working group to explore compliance mechanisms – which initiated many lengthy discussions due to the reluctance of some parties.

All Posts, NewsMarie Levine